Impacted Wisdom Teeth

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These third molars are the last teeth to develop. While sometimes these teeth may erupt and not cause the patient any issues, more often than not these teeth either don’t fully erupt or aren’t properly aligned. This causes them to become impacted between the gums and the jawbone, which will also affect the health of surrounding teeth.

When the wisdom teeth get impacted in the gums you need to get the help of an oral surgeon.In this case,the gum needs to be cut and opened to remove the teeth. This is done under anesthesia. Once the teeth are removed the oral surgeon places stitches in the mouth. This surgery is usually performed on wisdom teeth but can also be carried out on the other teeth as well.

About Viva Dent

Vivadent is one of the leading Dental Clinics in Maldives. The clinic was established in 2012 to adhere to the highest standards in safety, hygiene and customer service in Dentistry.

Dr. Satheesh BDS

Dr. Rajkumar MDS (Orthodontist)