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Bonding is an alternative to veneers and can be used as a restorative procedure for teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, or disarranged.

The bonding procedure can often be completed in a single office visit and can significantly improve the appearance of a tooth. However, since the plastic resin used is not as strong as your natural tooth enamel, it is more likely to stain, chip, or break than natural teeth. Bonding typically lasts three to five years before need of repair.Bonding, also known as bonded restoration, is a painless way to make minor repairs to teeth. In most cases, several teeth can be bonded in one dental visit. Bonding uses tooth-colored material, called composite resin. Composite resin is put on the tooth, then shaped and hardened with light.

The dentist places a matrix between the tooth being treated and its neighboring tooth. A matrix is a thin, clear plastic film that protects other teeth from stray composite resin.He then puts a mild chemical on the tooth to make it a little rough. This helps the composite resin to bond or stick to the enamel of your tooth. The composite resin that matches the color of your natural teeth is chosen so that the bonding blends in with your teeth. Next step is to put the composite resin on your tooth in layers. A light is used to harden each layer of the composite resin. After the last layer of composite resin is hardened, the dentist shapes and polishes it to form your tooth. The finished tooth looks natural and smooth. At your next dental visit, the dentist will examine the bonding and polish it if needed.

About Viva Dent

Vivadent is one of the leading Dental Clinics in Maldives. The clinic was established in 2012 to adhere to the highest standards in safety, hygiene and customer service in Dentistry.

Dr. Satheesh BDS

Dr. Rajkumar MDS (Orthodontist)